A Note from Tamera:
Stories are journeys, and each story I write is a journey for me.
Rekindled began with a dream—the image of a man returning home on horseback. He came upon a freshly dug grave and when he knelt to read the name carved into the roughhewn wooden cross, he discovered the name was…his own. The inspiration for Revealed grew from two characters in Rekindled whose stories needed to be told. But even more, whose stories I needed to tell. Writing Revealed was a very personal journey for me, and a healing one. For Remembered, I met that story’s heroine (figuratively, of course) while strolling the ancient cobblestoned pathways of a three hundred-year-old cemetery in northern Paris, France. And From A Distance came from a question I was struggling with in my own life at the time, “What happens when the dream you asked God for isn’t what you thought it would be?”
For me, the greatest thrill of these writing journeys is when Christ reveals Himself in some new way, and I take a step closer to Him. And my deepest desire is that readers of my books will do that as well—take steps closer to Him as they read. After all, it’s all about Him.
In the Potter’s Hand,

And secrets you’ve spent a lifetime guarding are finally laid bare?
Determined to become one of the country’s premier newspaper photographers, Elizabeth Westbrook travels to the Colorado Territory to capture the grandeur of the mountains surrounding the remote town of Timber Ridge. She hopes, too, that the cool, dry air of Colorado, and its renowned hot springs, will cure the mysterious illness that threatens her career, and her life.
Daniel Ranslett, a former Confederate sharpshooter, is a man shackled by his past, and he’ll do anything to protect his land and his solitude. When an outspoken Yankee photographer captures an image that appears key to solving a murder, putting herself in danger, Daniel is called upon to repay a debt. He’s a man of his word, but repaying that debt will bring secrets from his past to light.
Forced on a perilous journey together, Daniel and Elizabeth’s lives intertwine in ways neither could have imagined when first they met . . . from a distance.
If you would like to read the first chapter, go HERE
“…a rich historical romance by possibly the best new writer in this subgenre.”
--Library Journal
“…a most amazing story. The characters are more than words on the page; they become real people.”
--Romantic Times
The book link is: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0764203894
Author's picture is:
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Tamera can be reached through the Contact link on her Website
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Winter at Rodeo with A Twist Of Suspense
Up down under with a review :)
up with review to come.
cut & pasted
Posted with a review - no giveaway as I got an ARC which is too bad because my readers would love this book.
up and review to come
Posted with a review. Loved this book!
It's up!
mine's up
I've posted with a review, and a wonderful interview! Tamera is such a special lady! Please stop by for a visit!
Posted the blurb
Posted with a review at daysongreflections.com
My post is up. :)Marci
mine's up right sidebar. :)
My post is up.
I posted. BTW, my link on this list is not working and there should not be an "s" on the end of "Farm." We'll get this right eventually, lol.
I'm up with comments.
Thanks everyone for your support on this blog! ;)
Mine will be up tomorrow at 5 PM. I scheduled it.
Posted with review.
My post is up!
Mine's up with "My Take" on Tammy's writing in general.
Bonnie, girl, bless you for now putting up the code for each post. Simply awesome!
I'm up and running...virtually, NOT physically. LOL
Mine's up too. I agree with Brandilyn... Yeah for Bonnie!
Posted, pinged, reviewed - LOVE this author's books!!
I'm up!
Mine's up. No review yet. But someday. :)
Mine is posted along with a review. I really enjoyed this book.
Posted with a review at http://hisreadinglist.blogspot.com
My post will be up after midnight. (grin)
No review.
Posted with review and pinged.
I've posted.
It's posted this morning on my blog, and I've included a review...such that it is. Never been good at writing those things. :)
Oh, and there's a great interview with Tammy plus an autographed book giveaway. Come see and enter!
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