She also founded a publishing corporation for the purpose of developing, producing and marketing products which would reinforce family values, teach children responsibility and provide character building activities. In answer to Gist’s fervent prayers, God sent a mainstream publisher to her door who licensed her parenting I Did It!® product line and committed to publish the next generation of her system, thus freeing Gist to return to her writing.
Eight months later, she submitted A Bride Most Begrudging to Bethany House Publishers and they picked it up for their new "edgy inspirational" line of historical fiction. After its release in July 2005, Bride hit eight best seller lists and has sold over 100,000 copies and won the Christy Award for BEST ROMANCE 2006. The Measure of a Lady was her 2006 summer release. It hit five best seller lists and won the Christy Award for BEST ROMANCE 2007. Gist is contracted to have a new book come out every summer. Courting Trouble was her 2007 summer release and it hit three best seller lists.
Deeanne lives in Texas with her husband of twenty-four years. They have two kids in high school, two in college.

Essie Spreckelmeyer is the last woman anyone in Corsicana, Texas, expected to see with a man on her arm. Independent and outspoken, she’s known more for riding bicycles in outrageous bloomers than for catching a man’s eye.
And the last man who seems willing to give her a second glance is Tony Morgan, newly hired at Spreckelmeyer’s oil company. The disinherited son of an oil baron, Tony wants most to restore his name and regain his lost fortune--not lose his heart to this headstrong blonde. She confounds, contradicts, and confuses him. Sometimes he doesn’t know if she’s driving him toward the aisle or the end of his rope.
That’s how life is ...Deep In The Heart Of Trouble
If you would like to read the first chapter, go HERE
“Christy Award winner Gist’s historical romances have increasingly gained popularity, combining witty dialog, well-balanced plots, and fully developed characters who seem almost real. Recommended for CF and romance collections.”
-- Library Journal
"Gist does it again! Her signature prose is consistent and she delivers a thoroughly delightful and entertaining story that’s worthy of our time and attention. Not only won’t you want to put this book down, you’ll want to enjoy this story again and again."
-- JUNE TOP PICK, 4-1/2 STARS, Romantic Times, Jennifer Reyes
"Gist has once again written a delightfully humorous historical romance. After reading the first book in this series of two, I was anxious to get my hands on this one. Let me tell you, I was not disappointed ... It is a spectacular, feel-good story which I highly recommend. You will definitely be glad you read it."
-– FIVE STAR RATING, The Romance Studio, Brenda Talley
The book link is: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/076420226X
Author's picture is:
The book cover photo is:
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Deeanne can be reached through the Contact link on her Website
Come and visit the blogs participating in the tour:
Adam at Northwoods Blumer
Alexis at Ramblings From Life
Amy at Simple Folk Schoolhouse
Amy at sprightly
Amy at My Life
Andrea at The Laughs Will Go On
Angela at One Baby, Seven Dogs, and a Mommy
April at Projecting A
Barbara at Victoria Hill Farm
Becky at Savvy Mom
Beth at The Write Message
Betsy Ann at Betsy Ann "Writer at Large!"
Bonnie at Bonnie Writes
Brandilyn at Forensics and Faith
Brittanie at A Book Lover
Camy at Camy Tang
Cara at the law, books, and life
Carolyn at Serenity
CeeCee at Book Splurge
Christy at At Split Ends
Courtney at A Mom Speaks
Dave at Dave Rhoades
Dave at Novel Spotlight
Deborah at books, movies and chinese food
Deborah at Country At Heart
Deborah at Comfort Joy Designs
Debra at Soul Reflections
Deena at A Peek At My Bookshelf
Delia at Gatorskunkz And Mudcats
Gina at Upon Reflection
Janis at The Nearsighted Bookworm
Janna at Cornhusker Academy
Jason at Spoiled For The Ordinary
Jenn at Blessed is She…
Jennifer at Musings on This, That, & The Other Thing
Jennifer at So Many Books…So Little Time
Jenny at Come Meet AusJenny
Jill at Christian Work At Home Moms
Jim B. at The Bedford Review
Joleen at timetotalk
Karen at Mommy of Three"
Karla at Ramblin' Roads To Everywhere
Kelly at Scrambled Dregs
Kim at Window To My World
Kim at Rainy Day Diamonds
Kimberly at QuiddamChickee To Save The Day
Krista at Welcome To Married Life
Lacy at Novel Inspirations
Laura at Laura William's Musings
Leah at Ponderings From My Heart
Leslie at A Little Bit Of Sunlight
Linda at Mocha With Linda
Linda at Faith In Love
Marcia at Writer-lee
Michelle at Edgy Inspirational Author
Michelle at Just A Minute
Michelle at Raising Little Women
Nora at Finding Hope Through Christian Fiction
Pam at Mom's Mutterings
Pam at Daysong Reflections
Peg at Sips 'n Cups Cafeteria
Pepper at Great Christian Fiction
Rachelle at Stifled Squeal
Becky at Becky's Christian Reviews
Rel at Relz Reviewz
Ruth at Booktalk & more...
Ryan at loves to read
Sean at Bookmark Cafe
Sherry at Everything Moms
Stephanie at Punkin' Press
Stormi at Mystery, Suspense, And God, Oh My!
Susan at Scribbles by Susan May Warren
Tabitha at 123pizza's Weblog
Tamera at Tamera Alexander's Blog
Tara at Tara's View Of The World
Amber at Amber Miller
Valerie at In My Little World
Victoria at Footprints In The Sand
Virginia at CeCe Lane
Winter at Rodeo with A Twist Of Suspense
Margaret at Creative Madness
Me too
Up down under with review :)
Mine's scheduled to post along with a review on Tuesday at projectinga.blogspot.com
cut and pasted
Mine is scheduled to post.
posted will a review when i receive the book.
mine's up
I posted & pinged, but no review. :) Have a great week!
Mine's up
I posted.
Posted and reviewed.
Posted with a review and off to ping! Loved this one!
Posted and Pinged.
Posted with a review - Loved it!
My unique, compelling, must-see, plagiarized review is up.
posted. review of DITHOT to come, review of CT shared.
I have posted with a review at http://daysongreflections.com
I'm up at http://invalslittleworld.blogspot.com
Come on over :)
Posted just for fun :)
My post is up - www.writer-lee.blogspot.com
Mine is up here: http://jonathanandandrea.blogspot.com/2008/06/cfba-blog-tour-deep-in-heart-of-trouble.html
A Place Called Fiction and Carolina Christian Writers is posted and pinged!
Posted. Great book :)
It's up.
Posted with review.
Posted at Savvy Reviews at http://www.vickitalleymccollum.blogspot.com/
I put my review up.
Posted, with mini review by my wife, who loves Gist's books.
Info and "My Take" up at Forensics and Faith.
I'm up. Posted with my thoughts. No review yet. My husband read this book in two sittings and REALLY wanted to tell me the story to do a review and I told him not to tell me because I haven't read it yet. It is killing him to keep it zipped!
I'm half-way through.
Arghh! Posted with a review yesterday morning and forgot to come comment!
Posted links, no review or interview at Dregs and bonus post at Novel Reviews.
Posted, no review.
mine's up in the right sidebar. :)
I'm up with a snappy review! @
Post will be up shortly after midnight, Pacific Time.
Also includes a review.
I'm up.
and reviewed ;-)
My review goes up in the morning. What a great book!
OOPS. Posted earlier this morning but forgot to comment here!
Review & book giveaway. Pinged, too.
Well, I've finally posted. It's up on my blog as of Wednesday AM. And there are TWO giveaway chances plus a book review and special note about Deeanne.
Come take a look!
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