In Embrace Me, the latest novel by acclaimed author Lisa Samson, readers are privy to the realization that regardless of outward appearances…hideous, attractive, or even ordinary…persons are all looking for the same things: love, forgiveness, and redemption.
This story explores a world that is neither comfortable nor safe, a world that people like Valentine know all too well. Masterfully crafted by Samson and populated by her most compelling cast of characters yet. It is a tale of forgiveness that extends into all spheres of life: forgiving others, forgiving oneself, forgiving the past.
She lives in Lexinton, Kentucky, with her husband and three kids.

When a "lizard woman," a self-mutilating preacher, a tattooed monk, and a sleazy lobbyist find themselves in the same North Carolina town one winter, their lives are edging precariously close to disaster...and improbably close to grace.
Valentine, due to her own drastic self-disfigurement, ahs very few friends in this world and, it appears as if she may be destined to spend the rest of her life practically alone. But life gives her one good friend, Lella, whose own handicap puts her in the same freakish category as Valentine. As part of Roland's Wayfaring Marvel and Oddities Show, a traveling band of misfits, they seem to have found their niches in an often curiously cruel world.
Residing in a world where masks are mandatory, Valentine has a hard time removing hers, because of her disfigured face but more so because of her damaged soul. It is much easier for her to listen endlessly to different versions of a favorite song, Embraceable You, and escape reality. Yet, life has more in store for her when she meets Augustine, replete with the tattoos, dreadlocks, and his own secrets. With his arrival, Valentine's soul takes a turn.
If you would like to read the first chapter, go HERE
The book link is: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1595542108
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Lisa can be reached through her Blog
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Jackie at Journey Into Grace
Janis at The Nearsighted Bookworm
Janna at Cornhusker Academy
Jason at Spoiled For The Ordinary
Jenn at Blessed is She…
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Jennifer at So Many Books…So Little Time
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Jessica at Praise, Prayers and Observations
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Joleen at timetotalk
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Kelly at Scrambled Dregs
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Kim at Rainy Day Diamonds
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Sonya at My Thousand Loves
Stacy at Vader's Mom
Susan at His Reading List
Tabitha at 123pizza's Weblog
Tamera at Tamera Alexander's Blog
Tami at Tree Swing Reading
Tara at Tara's View Of The World
Tracy at Pix-N-Pens
Tricia at It's Real Life
Virginia at CeCe Lane
Virginia at Book Reviews - Virginia "Ginny" Smith
up and pinged in south australia
Up down under with review and Aussie giveaway!
Cut, pasted, scheduled & pinged.
It's up!
I've posted. NO review yet. :) But I hope to do one soon.
I'm up!
post up, review to come.
Posted at Carla's Writing Cafe.
Mine is scheduled to go up in an hour with review and giveaway!
Mine's up
Done, but still no review...
I'm up!
Figgered I'd weigh-in for the early-week tour. Five minutes, no sweat.
Mine's up. Better late than never.
Mine will post early in the manana
Posted with my comments/review and pinged.
posted at the dregs and novel review. I love the first chapter link!
Mine's up as well at my new blog: www.jackiecastle.wordpress.com
Mine is up. GREAT book!
Up at Lynnae's Bookshelf!
Posted with a review!
mine's up with a review
Hey, what do you know, I'm not last!
Nope, that would be me...
Up with a personal review here..
Mine is up!
Up with a review and an interview! Also want to let you guys know that the scheduling feature is awesome! I posted on time yesterday even though I was out of town!!
Thanks Bonnie and Blogger!
my post is up - a bit late, sorry! I'm at a writing workshop and access to internet is limited.
My post is up with a short review. Tami from Tree Swing Reading
Mine's up.
Posted with review & pinged
Post is up! Thank you!
Mine is posted. I only had the chance to read the first chapter but it was great. Good job.
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