Her destiny is beyond comprehension.
Her pursuers long to see her broken.
She fights to soar.
A father's love for his daughter…a decision that would change both their lives forever. But who is she really─and why must she now run for her life?
Caitlin's body has made her an outcast, a freak, and the target of vicious bounty hunters. As she begins a perilous journey, she is forced to seek answers for her father's betrayal in the only things she can carry with her─a letter he passes her before forcing her to run, and their shared memories together.
Being hunted forces Caitlyn to partner with two equally lonely companions, one longing to escape the horror of factory life in Appalachia and the others, an unexpected fugitive. Together the three will fight to reach a mysterious group that might be friend or foe, where Caitlyn hopes to uncover the secrets of her past...and the destiny she must fulfill.
In the rough, shadowy hills of Appalachia, a nation carved from the United States following years of government infighting, Caitlyn and her companions are the prey in a terrifying hunt. They must outwit the relentless bounty hunters, skirt an oppressive, ever-watchful society, and find passage over the walls of Appalachia to reveal the dark secrets behind Caitlyn’s existence–and understand her father’s betrayal.
Prepare yourself to experience a chilling America of the very near future, as you discover the unforgettable secret of the Broken Angel.
In this engrossing, lightning-paced story with a post-apocalyptic edge, best-selling author Sigmund Brouwer weaves a heroic, harrowing journey through the path of a treacherous culture only one or two steps removed from our own.
If you would like to read the first chapter, go HERE.
The book link is: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1400070325
Author's picture is:
The book cover photo is:
The code for this post is:
Sigmund can be reached through his Website
These are the blogs participating in the tour. Stop and visit!
Adam at Northwoods Blumer
Amy at sprightly
Amy at My Life
Andie at frommipov
Angela at One Baby, Seven Dogs, and a Mommy
April at Projecting A
April at Living In A State Of Constant Kansas
Becky at Savvy Mom
Beth at The Write Message
Bonnie at Bonnie Writes
Brandilyn at Forensics and Faith
Brittanie at A Book Lover
Caleb at Reviews Plus+
Camy at Camy Tang
Carol at Blogging With Carol
Carolyn at Serenity
CeeCee at Book Splurge
Cheri at Kudzu and Koolaid
Chris at Chris Wells: Learning Curve
Dave at Dave Rhoades
Dave at Novel Spotlight
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Debra at Soul Reflections
Deena at A Peek At My Bookshelf
Delia at Gatorskunkz And Mudcats
E.J at Sword and Pen
Edyth at Great Reads by Jasmine
Ernie at Writing: My Adventures In Words
Georgiana at Georgiana D
Gretchen at Inspire Me
Janis at The Nearsighted Bookworm
Janna at Cornhusker Academy
Jason at Spoiled For The Ordinary
Jennifer at Musings on This, That, & The Other Thing
Jenny at Come Meet AusJenny
Jill at Christian Work At Home Moms
Jo at Life Sparks - Jo's Journal
Joleen at timetotalk
Karen at disturbing the universe:reviews and rants
Karen at Mommy of Three
Karla at Ramblin' Roads To Everywhere
Kelly at Scrambled Dregs
Kim at Window To My World
Kimberly at QuiddamChickee To Save The Day
Lacy at Novel Inspirations
LaShaunda at See Ya On The Net
Laura at Laura William's Musings
Leah at Ponderings From My Heart
Linda at Faith In Love
Lynnae at Lynnae's Bookshelf
Marcia at Writer-lee
Margaret at Creative Madness
Marjorie at The Writer's Tool
Melissa at Bibliophile's Retreat
Michelle at Edgy Inspirational Author
Michelle at Just A Minute
Michelle at Michelle's Great Blogs
Michelle at Raising Little Women
Mike at wide-eyed fiction
Mimi at Mimi's Pixie Corner
Pam at Daysong Reflections
Peg at Sips 'n Cups Cafeteria
Pepper at Great Christian Fiction
Rachelle at Stifled Squeal
Rebecca at A Christian Worldview of Fiction
Rel at Relz Reviewz
Sean at Bookmark Cafe
Stacy at Vader's Mom
Susan at His Reading List
Tamera at Tamera Alexander's Blog
Tami at Tree Swing Reading
Tara at Tara's View Of The World
Terry at Home of Terry W. Burns
Todd at A Place Called Fiction
Tracy at Pix-N-Pens
Tricia at It's Real Life
Trish at Books and Book Reviews
Virginia at CeCe Lane
Up down under :)
posted - And Bonnie - thanks so much for having the whole code availiable - it makes things so easy!!!
posted and pinged and i have an interview with Sigmund also.
my post is up. www.writer-lee.blogspot.com
mine's up
Mine's up.
Posted! Wow, I decided to try the whole code instead of the page source code, even easier, thank you Bonnie! :)
Posted, but I put the link in separately because when I clicked on the picture of the book it didn't take me anywhere.
posted and pinged
Posted with a review (finally!)
It's up
I'm up.
I posted and I added a review at the end that is...interesting. :)
scheduled for 5/22 with review
mine's up
Mine too! Thanks for the codes, it is so much easier to post when I don't have a review.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone.
My review is up.
My review is up! Thanks!
Post is up
Mine is up at Dregs (interview Friday) and at Novel Reviews
"Broken Angel" will be up on Sips 'n Cups Cafe at 12:01 AM Pacific time Friday morning, the 23rd.
Note new URL. The old one at http://peggyblannphifer.blogspot.com will still work, but will shortly have a re-direct to the new one.
Mine is posted. Another great Brouwer book.
I know this is a bit odd, but I have the post scheduled (love this new Blogger feature) for noon tomorrow. I knew if I didn't leave a comment now I wouldn't remember.
Posted—review will come later
Here it is.
Up with a review. Good book, but did anyone get the sense the premise was short-changed with it being fairly brief? Only 264 pages in the ARC - I felt it could be fleshed out more personally.
Mine is posted!
Better late than never ;-) I'm up.
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