His book on writing, Plot and Structure is one of the most popular writing books available today. The national bestselling author of several novels of suspense, he grew up and still lives in Los Angeles, where he is at work on his next Buchanan thriller.

Bonilla stepped around the back of the SUV, ignoring the rain and the afternoon drivers on their way to LAX and the west side, placed the barrel of his .38 caliber pistol into his mouth, and fired.
His body fell over the shoulder and plunged one hundred feet, hitting the roof of a Toyota Camry heading northbound on the harbor Freeway. The impact crushed the roof of the Camry. The driver, Jacqueline Dwyer, twenty-seven, an elementary schoolteacher from Reseda, died at the scene.
This would have been simply another dark and strange coincidence, the sort of thing that shows up for a two-minute report on the local news--with live remote from the scene--and maybe gets a follow-up the next day. Eventually the story would go away, fading from the city's collective memory.
But this story did not go away. Not for me. Because Jacqueline Dwyer was the woman I was going to marry.
In Try Dying, this fast-paced thriller, lawyer Ty Buchanan must enter a world of evil to uncover the cause of his fiancee's death--even if hie has to kill for the truth.
"Bell is one of the best writers out there...he creates characters readers care about...a story worth telling."
~Library Review~
The book link is: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1599956845
Author's picture is:
The book cover photo is:
James can be reached through the Contact link on his Website
Posted at Mimi's Pixie Corner.
LOL...I'm Vicki today! She posted at:
LOL...she's on vacation! I'm really me!
mine is up: http://laurawilliamsmusings.blogspot.com/2007/11/cfba-blog-tour-try-dying-by-james-scott.html
i'm up! and wow, i bet rel and ceecee and deborah!!!!!!! :D
Posted links. Bell has written another great book. (sorry if I left 2 comments. Blogger did something weird on the first try).
I'm up! Waa-Hoo! Been looking forward to this one!
It's up at mybucklingbookshelf.blogspot.com
JSB is one of my faves - can't wait to read this one!
Here’s my links:
Curmudgeon’s Rant: http://dameigs.blogspot.com/2007/11/try-dying-by-james-scott-bell.html
Shoutlife: http://www.shoutlife.com/profile_view.cfm?uid=58795&blog_id=134621&view_mode=blog
Myspace: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=194251211&blogID=328462338
Up down under! AussieTigger - hehehehe!
It's up!
Mine's posted
i'm up with my review and a giveaway.
you got lucky this time aussietigger!!!!!
I'm up with an interview and a giveaway -- I have three copies so come over and comment!
Mine's up here:
I'm up with a review. Also pinged my post.
Mine is posted.
Aussie Tiger, I thought I was the one always bringing up the rear! Thanks for the laugh. I needed it!
Mine is up!!
Posted and Pinged!
I'm up at www.ProjectingA.blogspot.com
My post is up at www.writer-lee.blogspot.com
My review is posted at Bookshelf Review.
I'm up at http://christysbookblog.blogspot.com
Mine's up. http://brandmuffinreviews.blogspot.com (Check to see if your name hit the "What People Are Saying About Try Dying")
My post and review are up, finally!
Posted with a word of faith from the author. Stopped by a couple of your blogs and enjoyed meeting more of the CFBA's members too.
Upsie Daisies...
Interview...a really fun one, Friday.
great book, read and posted in less than 24 hours...whew,by the grace of God.
Mine's up, and I LOVED the book!
Mine is posted now.
We're up.
I'm up!
I'm up at SavVy ReViews with a review--Bell has a great film noir style!
Review is up at From Under the Clutter!
My post is up!
I'm up here: http://momofajl.blogspot.com/2007/11/cfba-presents-try-dying-by-james-scott.html
Link up.
I'm up.
I've got my spotlight up, complete with a chance for those who comment to win a FREE copy of this book. Everyone here already has it, but if you're giving YOURS away and want another chance to get one, come visit. :)
I'm up too...
I'm later than I'd like, but I'm up!!
Posted a review. This was an awesome book!
I'm up.
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