Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Nobody by Creston Mapes

This week, the

Christian Fiction Blog Alliance

is introducing


(Multnomah Fiction September 11, 2007)


Creston Mapes


Creston Mapes is a talented storyteller whose first two novels, Dark Star and Full Tilt, made him a finalist in the American Christian Fiction Writers Book of the Year awards and the Inspirational Readers Choice awards. Creston has written for major corporations, colleges, and ministries, including Coca-Cola, TNT Sports, Oracle, Focus on the Family, and In Touch Ministries. Committed to his craft and his family, Creston makes his home in Georgia with his wife, Patty, and their four children.

He's been married for twenty-one years to the girl he first loved way back in fourth grade. They have three lovely girls and a boy in a very close-knit family, spending a lot of time together - watching old classic movies, going on outings, and taking in various school and community events and activities. Creston loves to go for morning walks with his dog, read, paint watercolors, meet friends for coffee and Bible study, watch hockey, take his wife on dates, and spend time in God's Word.


Not everything that happens in Vegas has to stay in Vegas!

They said, “He’s a nobody.”
They were dead wrong.

When reporter Hudson Ambrose hears an early morning call on his police scanner about an injured person at a bus stop on Las Vegas Boulevard, he rushes to the scene to get the scoop.
His world is blown off its axis when he discovers a murdered homeless man with a bankbook in his pocket showing a balance of almost one million dollars. Should he wait for the police, knowing the case will get lost in reams of red tape, or swipe the bankbook and take the investigation–and perhaps a chunk of the money–into his own hands?

With sirens bearing down on the scene, Hudson makes an impulse decision that whisks him on a frantic search for answers, not only about the mysterious dead man, but about the lost soul lurking within himself.

Uncovering bizarre links between a plane crash, a Las Vegas pit boss, a dirty cop, and a widowed Atlanta business mogul, Hudson is forced to find out: who was Chester Holte, what was he doing on the streets, and why are his homeless friends convinced he was an angel in disguise?

“Nobody was absolutely riveting from the opening scene to the final page. With compelling characters, a plot that surprised me at every turn, and a subtle, yet profound message that moved me to tears, this book goes straight to the top of my highly recommended list.”
- Deborah Raney, author of Remember to Forget and Within This Circle

“A taut, entertaining novel of mystery, intrigue, and spiritual truth. Creston Mapes delivers a winner in Nobody.”
- James Scott Bell, bestselling author of No Legal Grounds and Try Dying

“Nobody had me fascinated from the first paragraph and kept the surprises coming to the very end. Somehow, as the pages flew by, it also managed to convey a beautiful picture of faith the size of a mustard seed. From now on I’ll read anything by Creston Mapes the instant it hits the shelves.”
- Athol Dickson, Christy Award—winning author of River Rising and The Cure

Cut Here


Posting Information

The book link is: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1590526244

Author's picture is:

The book cover photo is:

Creston can be reached through the Contact link on his Website


Edgy Inspirational Author said...

I'm up, I'm up. :)

M. C. Pearson said...

Up at the Pixie Corner!

Deena Peterson said...

I'm up...Ta-Da!!!

Ernie W. said...

Mine's up

Janna said...

I'm good to go at Cornhusker Academy!

Jenny said...

It's up...

Anonymous said...

Mine is up.

Click here

Pam said...

Mine is posted with a short review of my own. I have also posted a giveaway for one copy.

David Meigs said...

Here’s my links:

@ Curmudgeon’s Rant: http://dameigs.blogspot.com/2007/10/nobody-by-creston-mapes.html

@ Shoutlife: http://www.shoutlife.com/profile_view.cfm?uid=58795&blog_id=118020&view_mode=blog

@ MySpace: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=194251211&blogID=317706254

Jim Black said...

Mine is posted.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

It's posted!

Stephen Dean said...

Posted and pinged!

Angie A. said...


Deborah said...

mine's up

Anonymous said...

Mine's up here:
Along with my own review and author interview.

Kim said...

I've posted and pinged!

Anonymous said...

I'm up.

Is anyone else having trouble posting comments here? The past few times I've given up. I have the same problem with the FIRST posts.

Anonymous said...

Of course this time it went through perfectly. :/

Marjorie Vawter said...

I'm up :)

Hisart777 said...


Unknown said...



Erica Vetsch said...

Mine's up, and now I wished I'd signed up for this book...sigh...I'll know better next time. :)

Jill said...

Posted! :)


kc said...

I loved, loved, loved this book. My review is up.



LaShaunda said...

mine's up :)

Rel said...

up down under!

Anonymous said...

I think this book was awesome! My review is up: www.creativetree.typepad.com
Tami from Tree Swing Reading

Bowen Family- Ashley said...

Mine is up at:

Scrambled Dregs said...


up. Interview Friday.

Unknown said...

Up at Bibliophile's Retreat

Jill said...

I'm up at Artistic Blogger!

Michelle K said...

I posted

Janis Rodgers said...


Brittanie said...

Posted :)

Karen said...

Mine is up:)

April Erwin said...

mine's up at ProjectingA.blogspot.com

Illuminating Fiction said...

Up and running.

And I must add, I love the new banner on here. :-)

Amy Wallace said...

I'm posted!

Refreshment in Refuge said...


Tyora Moody said...

My post is up!

Valerie Comer said...

Mine is up!

Anonymous said...

Review posted.

Anonymous said...

My review is up also.

CeeCee said...

Posted. Haven't finished reading the book but so far it is really good!

storyline said...


Jerome said...

Posted links. Also, check out the "select a candidate" quiz that is linked in my post today.

Anonymous said...

I am so very confused. I see on the book schedule "Nobody" isn't scheduled until the 24-26th, but it's already been posted.

What book is next?

april penny said...


Georgiana Daniels said...

I'm up. Actually I was up this morning but I forgot to comment. BTW, what's pinging? Should I be doing something else?

Jim Thompson said...

The Dubious Web Site is up ... finally.