Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Life, Libby, and the Pursuit of Happiness by Hope Lyda

This week, the

Christian Fiction Blog Alliance

is introducing


(Harvest House Publishers March 1, 2007)



Hope Lyda has always wanted to write. Ever since she was a young tyke with a spiral notebook in hand, she had the urge to fill it. Sadly, Peggy Meets the Midgets did not cause Hope to be deemed a child prodigy, so she continued her path of education. She was grade-obsessed but also truly enjoyed sharing laughs with her circle of creative friends.

Hope attended the University of Oregon and graduated with a double major in Journalism: Advertising and Telecommunications and Film. With aspirations to write screenplays or teleplays, she of course ended up doing public relations for non-profits until she entered the publishing field in which she has worked for 10 years.

Her passions are quiet ones—she loves a good read, an afternoon of free thinking time, writing, journaling, road trips, travel, and pondering life from her back yard pergola. She loiters in bookstores frequently, though has never been arrested for such. Her big hope is to encourage others to embrace their dreams and understand their faith journeys through the practice of journaling and the art of creative living. She hopes to also inspire such things through the themes in her fiction including Hip to Be Square and Altar Call. (There are also visions of a nice Casita with a hammock in Mexico—but one thing at a time.)

When not living in her head, she resides with her husband, Marc, in the Pacific Northwest.


Libby Hawthorne makes exotic trip itineraries but never leaves Seattle. She’d like to attend church but winds up at a bookstore. She longs for love—but who has the time? Delayed happiness has been worth it, because she’s about to get her dream promotion...

Or not.

So now what?

When a corporate merger leaves her demoted and disillusioned, Libby realizes she needs to start living authentically...and soon. But just as she tries to uncover her purposed life, her cruel and unusual boss, Cecilia, demands that Libby hide Seattle’s most famous homegrown rock star in order to keep her new, bad job. For the first time in years, Libby doesn’t have a step by step plan to guide her. She must trust her faith and her heart. But what is she supposed to do with her growing admiration for Blaine Slater, a new VP from Chicago, or the surprising kindness of the rock star living incognito in her Seattle apartment? Through the humorous twist and turns, Libby uncovers a big life truth—the detours we are afraid of might just be the perfect path to happiness.

Cut Here


Posting Information

The book link is:

Author's picture is:

The book cover photo is:

Hope can be reached at


Deborah said...

i'm up with my review. loved this book!!!! yay for chick lit 2 weeks in a row!!! :)

M. C. Pearson said...

Posted at the Pixie Corner!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mine is up: click here

Deena Peterson said...

I will be up momentarily....after a pause for a message from our sponsor:-)

Jenny said...

It's up...

Anonymous said...

i'm up! my first "i have read" post! :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...


fiorinda said...


Trish said...

Mine's up ~ AND I've added a special surprise for anyone who visits! ;)

Anonymous said...

I've posted mine also.

Georgiana Daniels said...

I seriously thought I'd be first. MAN! Anyhoo, I'm up :)

Cara Putman said...

I'm up with a review on my blog and my shoutlife page. Fun read.

Rel said...

Up down under!

Scrambled Dregs said...

I'm posting now at Scrambled Dregs. No interview. Couldn't find a contact button on her website : (.

Stephen Dean said...

I'm up and Technorati is pinged.

Marjorie Vawter said...

I'm up on The Writer's Tool.

Gretchen Geyer said...

Posted! Thank you, thank you for the code!!!

Christy LaShea said...


Edgy Inspirational Author said...

I'm finally up now!

Unknown said...

I've got it up at Bibliophile's Retreat.


Erica Vetsch said...

Mine's Up! :)

Brittanie said...

Mine is up too. :)

CeeCee said...


Anonymous said...

Fun book!! My review is up!

Jim Black said...

Mine is posted.

Michelle K said...

I posted!

Sabrina L. Fox said...

Mine was up yesterday...forgot to post a comment here. :-/ OOPS.

Jim Thompson said...

Mine is up, in no fewer than two places.

storyline said...


loves to read said...


Anonymous said...

Mine's up with a review.

Christy Lockstein said...

I'm up and running!

Janis Rodgers said...

My review is up!

Dea said...

deas up

Anonymous said...

I'm late but I'm up.

Angie A. said...

Even later, but up. Oops!