Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Longing Season by Christine Schaub

This week, the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance is introducing The Longing Season (Bethany House July, 2006) by Christine Schaub.


Christine Schaub is the author of the MUSIC OF THE HEART series, including Finding Anna, the “rest of the story” behind the writing of the hymn “It Is Well With My Soul” (October 2005) and The Longing Season, the story behind “Amazing Grace” (July 2006) with Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Books.

In 2003, Christine won the “On the Page” screenwriting contest at Screenwriting Expo 2 in Los Angeles. Her one-page story, written on-site in 24 hours for Jacqueline Bisset, was selected by the actress as the best Oscar Wilde-type comedy for her persona.

While working in freelance corporate communications, Christine completed three feature-length screenplays, including a drama/comedy, romantic comedy, and sci-fi action/drama; developed four biopic teleplays for the stories behind the hymns; and published an online column for the MethodX website (Upper Room Ministries).

Christine honed her writing skills after more than 15 years in corporate communications for healthcare, pharmaceutical, and entertainment companies. She has also been a featured conference speaker on working with at-risk youth and changed lives in the classrooms with her creative presentation style.

Christine's love for the arts and creativity have taken her from church platforms to civic and professional stages, performing classics and dramas from her own pen.

Christine graduated from Anderson University with a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications. She has served on numerous boards and committees, usually as Communications Chair, and has received both regional and national awards in writing and design.


All of the books in the MUSIC OF THE HEART series are based on a hymns and their histories. The Longing Season is about one of the greatest redemption stories of all time: John Newton and his song, Amazing Grace.

Nature conspires against him, tossing the ship like a toy. Directionless--just like his life.
It seems his odyssey will end here, in the cold Atlantic.
Grief and terror grip his heart, but he will not surrender...not yet.
She reads the sentence again and again.
The first day I saw you I began to love you.
He'd written the words, sealed and posted them, then vanished.

She has a choice--turn toward the future, or wait, wating and hoping.

And so begins her season of longing.

Christine's website link is:

The book link is:


Anonymous said...

I'm up early...may not have access the rest of the week.


Edgy Inspirational Author said...

I'm up and it better not say I'm anonymous this week!!! But just in case...Michelle

Deborah said...

mine's up with my review. i too better not be anonymous this week..although michelle, it now says you're a star!

Rel said...

Up Down Under! A star is better than being anonymous......isn't it?!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up. I haven't had a chance to read it yet though. It is on my rather lengthy to do list.

April Erwin said...

Mine's up at

Stephen Dean said...

Mine's up!

Anonymous said...

Back in swing! Posted some things on Myspace, and on Shoutlife.

Deborah said...

The Longing Season is already #2 on technorati!

Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

Yea, Deborah...and if you scroll down a little her book Finding Anna is #5...LOL...cause they're both mentioned in the post!

Wahoo CFBAers! You Rock!

M. C. Pearson said...

Posted on my personal blog. Mimi's Pixie Corner! :-)

Michelle K said...

I posted mine.

Jerome said...

Posted links.

Scrambled Dregs said...

I'm up. Interview posting on Friday.

Valerie Comer said...

Posted yesterday and today (and forgot to mention it here...)

Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

QUICK UPDATE: on Technorati Popular books The Longing Season is #1, her other book Finding Anna is #2, and not ours...but the Blogging Church is #3......We knocked Harry Potter to his knees!! Wahoo CFBAers!

Anonymous said...

I will be up today. I'm still reading it. I started it last night and read 12 chapters. Won't take me long.

I'll post it at CeCe Lane and My Shout Life page

Gretchen Geyer said...

I'm up! BLESS YOU as always for the code!!!

Anonymous said...

And it's up.

Anonymous said...

Posted s'more!

Hisart777 said...


Alexis Jacobs said...

I've posted

Anonymous said...


Jason said...

Upsie daisy:


Ruth said...

My links are up but the review won't be up till LATE tonight or tomorrow.

Ruth said...

I finally got my review up w/ the links from last week (just for the record):

loves to read said...

its posted