Her newest release is Beauty Secrets of the Bible, (September 11, Thomas Nelson) based on the historical research that began in her work on Chosen. The book explores the connections between beauty and spirituality, offering women both historical insights and scientific proofs that reveal powerful, natural beauty secrets.
A frequent radio guest on stations across the country, including NPR and Billy Graham's The Hour of Decision, Ginger is also a popular television guest. Her appearances include Harvest Television, Friends & Neighbors, and Babbie's House. Ginger frequently serves as a co-host on the inspirational cable program Deeper Living.
In 2007, Ginger was nominated for the Georgia Author of the Year Award for her novel Dark Hour. When she's not writing, you may spy Ginger hunting for vintage jewelry at thrift stores, running (slowly) in 5k and 10k races, or just trying to chase down one of her errant sheepdogs. A native Texan, she now resides in Georgia with her husband and three children.

"I am the first writer, The Scribe. My books lie open before the Throne, and someday will be the only witness of your people and their time in this world."
So begins the narration of one such angel in this sweeping historical tale set during the reign of England's Henry VIII. It is the story of two women, their guardian angels, and a mysterious, subversive book ... a book that outrages some, inspires others, and launches the Protestant Reformation.
The devout Anne Boleyn catches the eye of a powerful king and uses her influence to champion an English translation of the Bible. Meanwhile, Rose, a broken, suicidal woman of the streets, is moved to seek God when she witnesses Thomas More's public displays of Christian charity, ignorant of his secret life spent eradicating the Bible, persecuting anyone who dares read it.
Historic figures come alive in this thrilling story of heroes and villains, saints and sinners, angels and mortals ... and the sacred book that will inspire you anew. Fans of Francine Rivers and Karen Kingsbury will love Ginger's intriguing combination of rich character development, artful settings, and inspiring historical insights.
If you would like to read an excerpt from In The Shadow Of Lions, go HERE
The book link is: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0781448875
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Ginger can be reached through the Contact link on her Website
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Winter at Rodeo with A Twist Of Suspense
Mine is set to post in about 75 minutes.
Up down under with a review :)
Up in the AM with a review and a 'ping'!
Mine is scheduled to post on Thursday, with a "mini" review at Another Road to Ramble.
Oh, I haven't pinged in a while. I'll do that too. I'm up.
me too
Mine's up - with a review.
Posted and reviewed:)
Posting in a few minutes. Book was late, so no review yet, but soon. Link to Deena's review, just because it's that good.
I'm posted with a review and in INTERVIEW! Ginger is terrific!
Posted at http://daysongreflections.com and http://daysongreflections.blogspot.com. No review - behind on my reading if you can believe that!
Set to post on the 11th with a very short review.
Blessings -
I'm up with my review. GREAT book!!
I'm up.
Mine is up! Loved the book!
posted review to come
Posted with a review at SavVy ReViews at http://www.vickitalleymccollum.blogspot.com/
Great book!
I'm up with review
I'm up with a review at www.projectinga.blogspot.com
Just posted mine.
It will be up with a review at Midnight tonight. www.froggyreviews.com
Posted no review yet. I have been sick with the sinus/allergy stuff.
Posted, review to follow. I have an interview with Ginger instead.
set to post early in the morning.
I'm up now :-)
Post/review up. I REALLY enjoyed this book!
My post is up at http://www.jillelizabethnelson.com
my post is up finally - we had an unexpected trip early in the week.
Posted! At an internet cafe (i'm on vacation, wahoo!)
I'm up but I'm still reading it.
I'm up, will try to do a review when I've finished it.
Interview posted at the dregs, review at dregs and novel review tomorrow.
Posted with short review comments.
Posted . . . review coming later.
Posted with a review - I had a hard time with this one I'm afraid (dare to be different, I suppose)
Mine is posted.
posted with review
Mine's up in the right side bar. Late a day again. I'm so sorry. I'll get back on track, I promise!
Mine's up with my thoughts...a little late. Sorry!
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