is introducing

Brandilyn writes for Zondervan, the Christian division of HarperCollins Publishers, and is currently at work on her 17th book. Her first book, A Question of Innocence, was a true crime published by Avon in 1995. Its promotion landed her on local and national TV and radio, including the Phil Donahue and Leeza talk shows.
She’s also known for her distinctive book on fiction-writing techniques, Getting Into Character: Seven Secrets a Novelist Can Learn From Actors (John Wiley & Sons), and often teaches at writers conferences. Brandilyn blogs at Forensics and Faith.
Visit her website to read the first chapters of all her books.

“Please. You must have the wrong person. There’s no reason for someone to want me dead. I don’t have any enemies.”
“Then you’d best rethink your friends.”
Realtor Carla Radling shows an “English gentleman” a lakeside estate—and finds herself facing a gun. Who has hired this assassin to kill her, and why?
Forced on the run, Carla must uncover the scathing secrets of her past. Secrets that could destroy some very powerful people...
Brandilyn Collins fans and reviewers are saying Crimson Eve is her best book yet:
“Collins tops herself by creating a suspenseful nonstop thrill ride … Truly the best Christian Fiction suspense title so far this year.”
– Library Journal, starred review
“Crimson Eve is Collins at her very best. It left me feeling as if I’d climbed Mount Everest without oxygen … I didn’t think Brandilyn could outdo herself after reading Coral Moon. She did.”
“I’ve never edited a more tightly crafted, deftly woven, compellingly written book.” –a Crimson Eve editor, with 20 years experience
“This is your best book! I could not stop reading!” – one of many readers with similar responses
Read about Violet Dawn and Coral Moon, books one and two in the Kanner Lake series.
Do you know someone who’s never read a Brandilyn Collins novel? Surely no such person exists. However, should you scrounge up such a friend—someone who enjoys suspense—here’s a special offer from Brandilyn. Be among the first 50 people between now and October 21, 2007 to e-mail her assistant at with the person’s name, e-mail address and street address. (Due to exorbitant overseas mailing costs, United States residents only, please).
A signed copy of Crimson Eve will be sent to your friend—free—along with an e-mail from Brandilyn announcing the book is on its way, courtesy of you. (Don’t worry. Brandilyn won’t spam these email addresses. She just wants your friend to know who to thank.) No worries that this story is third in the Kanner Lake series. Each book stands alone. Brandilyn is convinced your friend will so love Crimson Eve, he/she will surely reciprocate with expensive chocolate.
The book link is:
Author's picture is:
The book cover photo is:
Brandilyn can be reached through the Contact link on her Website
mine's up!
It's up!
I'm Up!
click here
Mine is posted!!
Review posted.
I'm up and running!
I'm up. Boy, this is one addicting story!
Mine's up at
Way to go Brandilyn, another hit!
Here’s my links:
Curmudgeon’s Rant link:
MySpace link:
Shoutlife link:
I'm early today!
Read my review here:
Up, at 'em, reviewed and pinged.
Angie Arndt
writing as P.S. McManus
posted and pinged! I LOVE Brandilyn Collins!!!
My post is up at
Up and pinged!
Mine's up with a review at
mines up
Mine is up at
I will try to add a short review of my own if I have time.
Sorry I'm late, but I'm up, with a review and a giveaway:-)
Wow, I'm not the last this week. Cool.
I've posted a personal review here.
I forgot to leave a comment that my review is up.
Tami at Tree Swing Reading
My post is up finally - blogger was giving me static, still can't upload the pic of the cover, but will keep trying. So enjoyed Crimson Eve! :)Marci
Up down under...finally!
I'm now up on my blog and shoutlife pages.
Mine is posted.
Blogger was not my friend today either.
Er...late, but up at Mimi's Pixie Corner! *blushing horribly*
yep, i'm up, and i actually got it read!!
I'm up!
My review is up! Thanks!
I'm up, with a review this week.
Loved this book! But then I love all of Brandilyn's books.
Posted. Didn't get the book, though. I received two Coral Moons?
I'm up!
Added a personal review at
Mine's up.
Mine is up here:
Up at Bibliophile's Retreat.
Click here to go directly to post.
I'm bringing up the rear. And I pinged =)
Phew, here I am - posted! That was so easy (LOL), thanks Bonnie!!!
I posted gratefully,dumb internet doesn't work right when you need it.
Mine is up...finally :P
Thaks to all for participating!
Mine is up. Sorry so late.
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