is introducing

Robin is the author of over fifty novels, including Catching Katie, named one of the Best Books of 2004 by Library Journal.
Winner of the Christy Award for Excellence in Christian Fiction, two RITA Awards for Best Inspirational Romance, and the RWA Lifetime Achievement Award.
Robin, who is also one of our CFBA members, lives in Boise, Idaho.

Discouraged and destitute, her dreams shattered, Roxy Burke is going home. But what lies beyond the front door?
Rejection...or a bright future?
A lot has changed since Roxy Burke escaped small town life to become a Nashville star. Her former boyfriend Wyatt has found Christ and plans to become a minister. Her sister Elena, who comforted Wyatt when Roxy ran away, is now his fiancee. Her father Jonathan, a successful businessman, is heartbroken over the estrangement of Roxy from the family.
Now Roxy...her inheritance from her grandmother squandered, her hopes of stardom dashed...finds her way home...not by choice but because it's her only option. Her father's love and forgiveness surprise her, but her very presence throws the contented Burke family into turmoil, filling Roxy with guilt and shame.
Elena is shocked to discover doubt and resentment in her heart after her father's easy acceptance of Roxy into the family circle. Wyatt wrestles with doubts about marrying Elena. And Roxy struggles to accept forgiveness. Isn't she more deserving of rejection? As the story of the prodigal plays out, each member of the Burke family must search for and accept God's grace.
The book link is:
Author's picture is:
The book cover photo is:
Robin can be reached through the Contact link on her Website
Mine's scheduled to be up on Thursday
I posted the canned review, and dated it tomorrow at 1:00 AM.
I'm up...but through the magic of the blog, it's dated for tomorrow!!
But I've got two posts for tomorrow up, so you'll have to look for it a bit:-)
I'm up for Wed. I have a mix of my own comments and then the canned piece. I'm enjoying reading the book right now!
Mines up...
Up..Also you can check out my Eric Wilson Interview in the previous post..
i'm up--and it's still wednesday downunder, miracle of miracles--and at the new :)
Mine's up on my blog today.
Wish I had found CFBA sooner~ I love Robin's books! For now, though, this one gets the "generic" review.
Mine's up with a contest to win the book.
Done :)
Review and links posted interview Friday
Mine is up and running! My first one, yea!
mine's up :)
my post is up -
Up down under with a review :)
finally up with my review
My blog feature is up and running.
mines up.
Mine's up and running.
Blog is posted! :) (bless you, as always, for the code!)
I'm up now.
I'm up, better late than never.
LOL! I forgot to say I was up. Ah well, I also posted a review, Robin.
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